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We started 2DirtyAprons in 2019 as a mother-daughter collaboration, combining our passion for creating delicious recipes and sharing our love of food, farm life, and adventure.

In 2021, we expanded our brand by opening 2DA Market, a lifestyle shop offering clothing, housewares, and more. Windswept Farm in Creemore, Ontario, is our home base, but you can find us at 7535 County road 9 in our shop all summer long (next to our lovely neighbours and delish restaurant, The Pine). 

For now, 4 goats, a dog and a cat, ducks, and chickens (and a couple of boys) are awesome company on the farm and we are constantly grateful for it all.  

xx Laurie & Tessa


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Ann Patchett has done it again. Hooked me in with her effortless words, and brought me straight into Lara’s world, as she recounts her young adult life to her 3 grown daughters.

The present tense is set on a cherry farm in Michigan, and the past is on Tom Lake at a summer theater company. This book is about choices, family, and the little things in life. Patchett is so effortless in her description as she weaves from past to present.

“What if…” is frequently asked of Lara.

It’s a question I can relate to being of roughly the same age. This is my favourite quote:

“One morning you’re picking cherries with your three grown daughters and your husband goes by on the Gator and you are positive that this is all you’ve ever wanted in the world.”

Relatable for sure.

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